Monthly Archives: April 2014

BUILD DAYS sixty seven to seventy two

six missing days

not blogged but much done  . . .

Two days sanding and filling the outside of the cabin with Daniel. It’s now finished.

One day wiring on my own. It’s now finished.

Then the 1930s reclaimed flooring from Bush House arrived. OMG!

I thought this was going to be the easy part but each floorboard needs to be restored and de-nailed and sanded. It’s a conservation project, a restoration project. 

So I ignored it.

Louise came and we laid it out and looked at it again. Maybe it was not so bad. 

But it is…

So I ignored it and did something else. 

The Louise came again and helped me prepare the floorboards. Got me started.

Hurrah! My Hobbit stove arrived and was ably unpacked by Tom Stubbs.

Then back on the horse!
Let’s get that oak flooring sorted!

I spent a day choosing and sorting and fixing the wood and then starting to lay it out on the cabin floor. Beginning to get an idea of what it is going to look like. It will be amazing when it’s sanded.